Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Health and Wellbeing {physical fitness in adult from ages 28-40 years} Research Paper

Health and Wellbeing {physical fitness in adult from ages 28-40 years} - Research Paper Example Fortunately, not one wants or dreams to be sick in one-way or another, it is therefore everyone’s responsibility to create physical fitness schedules with qualified coaches or on their own. The ability to manage small and easy jogging sessions goes a long way in helping him adapt and increase his health and well being levels, and later do exercises that are more complex. This paper explores the importance of physical fitness in maintaining health and well being standards among the youth and elder people of between 28-40 years. It explains some of the practical fitness exercises that one can engage in to maintain his positive health status and well-being. Well being is an important state of the body that should be maintained by everybody irrespective of their age and other factors. Well being cannot merely be taken as the absence of disease or illness, as many people perceive it to be; instead, it is described as a complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional as well as social health factors. Well being cannot be described as how a person feels about himself or herself, but how he takes considerable steps in ensuring that he is at peace with himself in his environment. For this reason, it is important that a person understands the particular requirements and factors to consider in maintaining his well-being. Health on the other hand refers to the state of absolute physical, mental as well as social well-being; in this case, it is not necessarily the absence of disease or infirmity in one’s body system. A person’s health status is largely determined by a multitude of various social, economic as well as cultural factors, in this case, people who live in a similar community or environment or those of a certain age bracket can have vastly different chances of good health. Sometimes, a person

Friday, February 21, 2020

Franchising - marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Franchising - marketing - Essay Example property rights or inventions or special characteristics of a business owned by the other party (Franchisor) based on payment as determined by the Franchisor for supplying or marketing certain products and/or services. The Franchisor and the Franchisee can be entities or individuals†. The objective of this research is to analyze business scenario in Indonesia and how may it help a franchising business. This paper will examine food & beverages and saloon franchising business in Indonesia and will try to clarify the process and the market scenario in Indonesia. It will try to answer the question that which one of the franchise (food & beverages or saloon) would be more workable in Indonesian market. In particular, this paper will study McDonald’s food & beverages and Tony & Guy’s saloon franchising business model and their suitability to Indonesian market. McDonalds is the worlds largest chain of fast-food restaurants. Hamburgers, chicken, French fries, milkshakes and soft drinks are main items that a McDonald’s offers. More recently, it has also added salads, fruit, snack wraps, and carrot sticks to its menu. McDonalds Corporation has developed a unique franchise business model. In addition to ordinary franchise fees, supplies, and percentage of sales, McDonalds also collects rent, partially linked to sales. As a condition of the franchise agreement, the Corporation owns the properties on which most McDonalds franchises are located (www.mcdonalds.com). TONI&GUY is considered as the most powerful hairdressing brand in the world. The company is constantly evolving artistically and commercially. It offers the best education on the planet and boasts fabulous product ranges and a dynamic and modern image.  Moreover, TONI&GUY is  the only hairdressing company to be awarded Superbrand status and they truly represent the catwalk-to-client philosophy (www.toniguy.com). TONI&GUY offer a lifestyle choice, not just a hairdressing appointment. Within the salons,

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Respnse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Respnse - Essay Example To speed up delivery and installation at customer sites, I had insisted that service engineer be attached to this team, which was sanctioned by the Executive Director. Our internal quality processed required that the externally sourced goods be verified and checked before installation at customer sites. This activity was controlled by the service manager. He would deliberately delay the process, as je was upset that I had transgressed into his sphere of power. Entertainment expenses as part of marketing activities was only permitted for managers. Since I had the additional responsibility of liaison with public sector and government agencies, I was given a special concession for entertainment bills, with the requirement that the bill be countersigned by the Executive Director before reimbursement. Scrutiny of bills before passing it on to accounts for reimbursement was the responsibility of the HRM deputy manager. She would call me for verifications each time a bill was presented, per ked at a benefit that she did not enjoy, though we were in the same grade. 3. Do â€Å"organizational politics† have a place in effective leadership, or are they consistently counter-productive to leadership effectiveness? Discuss.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Orders and Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Orders and Power - Essay Example Modernism was majorly shaped by the rapid growth of human settlements in form of cities resulting from the development of societies in a modern industrial aspect. The horrors associated with the World War I were also key factors in the shaping of modernism. Modernism was a freedom as the artists sought to express their beliefs of what the society should really relate and work. The movements had salient characteristics of self-consciousness. This led to experiments that approaches and forms used to draw attention to the materials used in producing the piece of work. They also incited the focus on attention of the processes that resulted in the various art works. The movements were not rebellious in nature, as they did not seek to completely abandon the societal traditions and replace them with new ones. The artists sought to incite the societies to make changes to the obsolete culture of the past through paradigmatic like the injunction â€Å"Make it new!† Avant-garde The freed om of the modernism period was expressed through the artists adopting an avant-garde meaning in the artistic works. This approach saw the pushing of the accepted status quo and norms beyond the accepted boundaries using cultural realms as the primary drivers (Weiten 2011: 143). This notion was the hallmark of modernism with many artists aligning themselves with the notion that traced a history from the pre-modernism era of Dada through the modernism period to the era of postmodern artists like language poets in the late 20th century. The primary concept that constitutes the avant-garde is having writers, composers, and generally artists whose pieces of art oppose the cultural values of the mainstream society often with a trenchant edge of social or political form. One such artist is Georges Seurat, a Frenchman born in Paris on December 2, 1859 (Gardner and Kleiner 2013: 812). A Sunday afternoon on the island of la Grande Jatte Seurat was a shy reclusive member of an avant-garde beli eving group who died a sudden death from meningitis at the age of 31 after making major impacts on the modernism movements through production of various great artistic works. His inspiration came from the desire to negate from Impressionism’s preoccupation of the fleeting moment with the rendering of the essentials and unchanging parts of life instead. Impressionism is an art movement with Paris as the origin. The art have characteristics of relatively small and thin brush strokes that are visible (Gardner and Kleiner 2013: 812). The art emphasizes on depictions of light that are accurate in its changing qualities and are usually based on open compositions of ordinary subject matters. The arts included movement as crucial in the elements of the perceptions and experiences of the human being in unusual angles. However, many of his approaches borrowed from the ideas of impressionists. This included a love for matters of the modern subject and urban leisure scenes and attempts t o capture all colors interacting to produce the appearance of an object instead of just depicting the apparent color of the object being depicted (Hagen and Hagen 2003:456). His fascination was in a range of scientific ideas